
a new beginning...

long before the National Board of Canvassers convened, its almost certain the Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino is the front runner for the presidential race. but unlike the presidential race, the vice-presidential race is like a puzzle because of the neck-to-neck fight by Sen. Mar Roxas and Mayor Jejomar Binay. now, after almost a month after the elections, the smoke cleared and its clear that we will have Noynoy Aquino as our President-elect with 14,641,803 votes received from the Filipinos and Jejomar Binay as our Vice-President Elect with 14,501,371 votes received. Both of them will be proclaimed probably Wednesday according to the news.

Personally, i favored noynoy though i didn't have the right to vote on the belief that what the Philippines currently needs is a person whom the Filipino people can trust. i believe that ones the trust is bestowed to the government then we can start our travel in the road map to progress. for vp, i am for mar because i believe in the competence of mr. palengke but since he is not that privileged to be elected and since most of the Filipinos favored Mayor Binay, i think it is rightful for me to put my trust to the duly-elected vp instead of calling him to resign or make some fb page calling for his ouster even though he is not yet starting to perform his tasks as vp. and i think it is rightful for us Filipinos to trust our next leaders and to help them in every little way we can. i am not hoping that noynoy and binay can transform the Philippines in just a blink of an eye. but i am hoping that they can bring the change the the Philippines need slowly and surely.

my congratulations to the next president and vice-president. Mabuhay ang Pilipinas! :D