

let me share to you one part of my 'published' book of myself. this part is entitled 10 years from now. basically, this part should be the part wherein i should describe and state what, where and who i am after 10 years but i decided to do it with a little bit of twist by narrating what happened during the ten years. simply, this is my dream. this is the Russ i would want to become after ten years (atleast for now). haha. btw, some parts with gramatical errors were improved though i can say that this article still contains grammatical errors. enjoy reading. :)


Its 2021 now and it was exactly ten years ago when I submitted a book of myself to Prof. Vida Sales as one of our major requirements in the Personal Growth and Processes course. I enjoyed the process of coming up a book of myself but at the same time I felt problematic about how my book of myself would look like when I submitted it. Well, it was ten years ago. Many things changed and many are still changing. I can still remember what Ms. Teran, one of my favorite high school teachers said to us, “When you dream, dream BIG! Because everything starts in dreaming.” Today, I'm 28 years old now but then going back to what had happened (focusing on the highlights) after ten years is quite an exciting and thrilling one.

Well, it was in March 2011 that I was elected as the Human Welfare Advocates President and I was very excited and I was really looking forward to start my one year stint as the HWA President to usher in what I called ‘a year of changes for the years to come’ for the student organization of the social work students. Two months later, I passed the Battery Exam which signaled the continuation of my journey to graduation with a degree in Social Work even though my mother asked me if I am really sure in finishing social work. If I can remember it right, I was in the Top 5 when the over-all results were posted and I was very happy with that. All my friends passed and since we passed, a hike at the foot of Mayon Volcano and a road trip to the north is our prize to ourselves. What a fun time!

2012. During my third year, I was very challenged with Thesis Writing just like any other third year and former third year social work students. Plus challenge was my position with Human Welfare Advocates and my longing to make HWA a better, if not the best, organization aimed in developing the student’s potentials and facilitating holistic development. Moreover, it was a great year, though really challenging (with my love life involve).

2013. My last year in college was the most challenging one. Being in a community is not that easy for me especially that I had been used in urban setting. However, I enjoyed the stay much for it was very relax and serene in the community as if my connection with nature is at its maximum. Nonetheless, a great last year marked by another experience that I am treasuring up to now. To end my four long (though I felt that it was short due to the fact that I enjoyed every piece of it) years of college was the graduation. I graduated in Bicol University College of Social Sciences and Philosophy with a degree in Social Work as Cum Laude which is of course, my tribute not only to myself but also to my friends, mentors and of course my parents.

Reviewing for the board was never easy. There are a lot of distractions that should be dealt with accordingly. It was in June 2013 that I finally took the board exam to add an RSW (Registered Social Worker not the other one) and become a duly registered Social Worker and to be able to practice my profession at full. When results came, I made it to the Top 10. Actually, I was the 2013 Social Work Licensure Examination Topnotcher and our batch made another milestone in the history of the department by having a 100% passing rate. All the efforts (which includes mine and of others) paved off and I’m very thankful to God, my parents, my mentors and my friends. After the testimonial rites, I had my one month vacation before starting my career.

After passing the Board, I was really confused on what setting and agency to apply for. Of course during that time and for some reasons, I would want to apply at the DSWD or at the Naga City Social Welfare and Development Office (which Sir Jim keeps on telling me) because of job security compared to applying in an NGO. However, I said to myself that my social work experience will never be complete if I will not apply in an NGO. So I finally decided to apply as social worker in an NGO in Naga, then eventually in Manila. I even reached Masbate, Leyte, Maguindanao and other poverty stricken provinces in the country as part of my duty in my Manila-based NGO. Since, I am in Manila and I would want to improve I decided to take my Masters at the University of the Philippines. Gladly, after two years, I already finished my masters with flying colors.

Well, basically the years 2013 – 2015 were my work years where I started my social work career with 2015 as the year when I finally got my Masters. After getting my masters, I went back to Bicol and worked for a Legazpi-based NGO. Also, it was in 2013 that my love life started to sprung and add colors to my life. It was in 2016 that I finally got one of my wishes came true, my wish to be a part of the academe. It was in this year that I started teaching (on a contractual basis) at the social work department where I pay homage of what and where I am now. It was also in 2016 that I started to pursue a law degree to become a social lawyer (social worker plus lawyer). In 2018, after a two year stay in the academe, I decided to leave to focus on earning my law degree and on working as social worker. It was on 2019 that I finally graduated and and earned my law degree and eventually I passed the Bar Exams with flying colors.

On 2020, after passing the bar, I decided to start my doctoral studies to further boost my learning. On the next year, I was hired at UNICEF (one of my greatest dream) and was assigned to war torn and poverty stricken countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Korea, and Egypt depending on the needs of UNICEF personnel. While working UNICEF, the honorarium I received was being allotted in the construction of my dream house in the Philippines which at that time was supervised by my parents. After a year (2021) of working with UNICEF, I decided to render my resignation and went home to my most beloved Philippines in my new house.

After going back to the Philippines, I applied at Department of Social Welfare and Development and was luckily hired. Today, aside from having a stable job at DSWD and rich experiences that I have had, I am now starting my business ventures with my friends, Christina Alexia Castro and Trixia Mae Felix, and another business venture with Mara Erika Dela Cruz and Marc Daryll Queng to suffice my financial needs at present and in the future (especially my plans of going around the world). I am also helping my parents, little by little, to put into reality their dream retirement home and farm at uptown Naga City and another dream retirement home and resort at Sipocot. But the major event that will be happening in my life this year is my marriage to my loved one next year and thus, signaling the start of my family life. I and my loved one is starting to save money to be used in starting our family. But before that, I remember that MnT will have a African and European Cruise Reunion sponsored by Kuya Bjorn Oropesa. Excited na ako! Which will be followed by another international reunion with me and my bestfriends group (Alex, Trixia, Rica and Rufo).

Well, ten years seem short and I miss a lot of moments but I’m thankful I met a lot of people and I meet my friends whom up to now stayed. By the way, the MnT is planning to start a foundation little by little and I hope we will be successful in this endeavor. Furthermore, I am also an active advocate for our environment now lobbying for a greener and cleaner Philippines and the World. Perhaps, i can say that i am successful in my career and hopefully will also become successful in my personal/family life. I reached a distance with a short 10 years but i am very sure that i can and i will go further within the next 10 years. :)


"It is better to aim high and miss than to aim low and hit" - Martin Vanbee