


FIRST bird. i finally got my Professional Driver's License which will be good until 2013 after almost a week of going to the Land Transportation Office and that is quite an achievement for me. haha. yehess!

by the way, i wonder why i do not heard the name of LTO under the most corrupt government offices. i am thinking that perhaps corruption in LTO is lesser compared to those agencies labeled as corrupt and that is awful because from experience, corruption there is evident. tsktsk. hope proper authorities will soon act to curb corruption there.

SECOND bird. i am now a registered voter of Naga City after registering at the COMELEC Naga Office after LTO. i insisted to have myself registered way ahead of the 2013 Senatorial and Local Elections to avoid the rush, the siksikan and long lines when the election is just months away which is quite a practice of Filipinos since then. yehess! sooner, i can exercise my right of suffrage. :)


tomorrow, i'll go back to Legazpi to hopefully finished many impending businesses with regards to HWA, Blue Feathers Society and of course my enrollment for the 1st semester of AY 2011-2012 and i'm afraid i'll celebrate my birthday there for the first time. tsktsk. as usual, it is enrollment and my parents are cash-stripped therefore there is no pamblow-out. walang pondo! tsktsk. i guess i need to find other reasons to have a beautiful, happy, memorable yet simple birthday.

but hopefully, i can go back in Naga sooner than later or perhaps Friday. haha. HOPEFULLY!


ATE alex, your always welcome though i know it's not that of an effort. well, i'm preparing my gift which i will give to you sooner or LATER. HAHA. kthanksbye ate alekks! :D