
my twitter and formspring invasion

summer is an opportunity to relax and connect with the people you get disconnected during school time. basically my summer can be best described in four words that i know you are very familiar with and thats kain, tulog, internet and tv. that four words are very true especially during the my first days of summers however i choose to depart since last week or last last week because i want a different summer. that's why i end up doing the laundry of the whole family, ironing the clothes, helping in cleaning the house and the other house which i fondly call as the annex and activities which i can equate with household chores.

eventhough i found something that will make me busy, still there is the time alloted for internet and since it's summer, meaning there's no homework and researches needed, i decided to take a step further for my social life (social media category) by invading twitter and formspring which can also be attributed to the lack of personal summer activities. well, i'm just starting to learn how to use twitter and i'm starting to see the positive side of twitter though as of this time, i only have 16 followers. haha. with formspring, it started actually with my urge and thirst to answer everything under the sun questions though sadly, no one dare ask questions personally except for some questions that were being asked to all the members or followers. i was actually inspired and envied by tumblr because one can ask the owner of the account in tumblr any question and the owner can answer bad. too bad, blogspot doesn't have that function. but still, i'm hoping for questions and i want it bad. haha. :D

as for tumblr. i used to have an account in tumblr. naabot ko pa nga ang tumblrity noon. however, i decided to stay with blogspot because it's more personal. haha. and of course, as for my facebook account, it's as is, still alive, kicking and active.

hm. get to know me more by asking anything-under-the-sun questions on formspring: russbaldoza

and follow me on twitter @russbaldoza and get updated by me on anything and everything. :D

that's all for now folks. adios! :)