

Bye May. you've been such a wonderful month as far as i can remember. Hello June! Hoping you're more awesome than May. :)



last May 25, we went to Sipocot, my father's hometown para maki-fiesta sa Barangay Impig. well, the simple fiesta turned into somewhat of a reunion because uncle Arnel (papa's father) just got home from Saudi Arabia after almost a decade. also, it was our first visit to our cousins and relatives after almost a month or two. soo yun maraming pagkain. yumyum. busog na busog ako at nasira ang self-control ko. haha. well, yun na nga parang nagreunion kami and the whole afternoon, i got the chance to hang out with Kia (a 2 year old cousin) and we played all afternoon. well, having the photographer's instinct within me, i took some photos using the new nokia x3-02 which i borrowed from mama while my phone's charger was left in legazpi. by the way, since i am not good in narrating stories let me present things via pictures (by the way, i am visual. haha)

She is Kia. one of our youngest cousins in the father side. she was the one i am referring above. the one whom i played for almost the whole afternoon by placing stickers on my face and dan's face and anything that a child can do. she even said that dan and i were his daddy. basta yun. madaldal at makulit! yan si kia! :D

He is jade. he is Kia's older and sole brother so far. eto ay makulit, sobrang kulit at makulit talaga. believe it or not, Jade is like me when i was still young just like what our relatives would say. parehas daw kami gwapo. haha. :D

a family picture taken to grab the opportunity while uncle arnel is in PH. sadly, two (i think) of their siblings are not included in the pic. uncle jun is is saudi, uncle yet is perhaps out while uncle bong is busy with his school works especially with Brigada Eskwela.

this is jade with his ninang. haha. :)

and this is the sticker Kia gave me. a turtle, i was reminded of MnT which i am the pagong/turtle. :D



FIRST bird. i finally got my Professional Driver's License which will be good until 2013 after almost a week of going to the Land Transportation Office and that is quite an achievement for me. haha. yehess!

by the way, i wonder why i do not heard the name of LTO under the most corrupt government offices. i am thinking that perhaps corruption in LTO is lesser compared to those agencies labeled as corrupt and that is awful because from experience, corruption there is evident. tsktsk. hope proper authorities will soon act to curb corruption there.

SECOND bird. i am now a registered voter of Naga City after registering at the COMELEC Naga Office after LTO. i insisted to have myself registered way ahead of the 2013 Senatorial and Local Elections to avoid the rush, the siksikan and long lines when the election is just months away which is quite a practice of Filipinos since then. yehess! sooner, i can exercise my right of suffrage. :)


tomorrow, i'll go back to Legazpi to hopefully finished many impending businesses with regards to HWA, Blue Feathers Society and of course my enrollment for the 1st semester of AY 2011-2012 and i'm afraid i'll celebrate my birthday there for the first time. tsktsk. as usual, it is enrollment and my parents are cash-stripped therefore there is no pamblow-out. walang pondo! tsktsk. i guess i need to find other reasons to have a beautiful, happy, memorable yet simple birthday.

but hopefully, i can go back in Naga sooner than later or perhaps Friday. haha. HOPEFULLY!


ATE alex, your always welcome though i know it's not that of an effort. well, i'm preparing my gift which i will give to you sooner or LATER. HAHA. kthanksbye ate alekks! :D


ate alex

i would like to admit that i am not a creative person. i mean, my creativity is less compared that of to others and at most times, my creative ideas are busy hiding in the farthest corners of my brain and it's bad. in fact, it's very bad specially sa mga ganitong pagkakataon. hm. so in behalf of me, myself and i, i apologize for my not so creative greeting. haha.

let me start by posting a scanned copy of note i got while browsing my old files in high school. well, i don't really know how can this be connected with the posts below pero ipost ko na. sayang naman eh. haha. :D

obviously, it's alekks' birthday. Alex is my best bud. well, we're close friends i supposed but it's been years (in exaggeration) since the last time we tell stories about ourselves and had an actual kumustahan. hindi ko na nga sure kung ang number niya na naka-save sa phonebook ko ay number niya pa rin cause hindi rin kami nakakapagtextan because of network differences and due to the fact na hindi din ako mahilig magload. well, i miss alekks and it's a fact. i believe she is next in line to trixia among the persons i missed the most. good thing, we have the chance to see a movie last december or was it october? haha. basta nanood kami ng movie. yun yun.

Alex is a reliable friend. gem kumbaga si alex. rare and unique. she never lose words of advice when you need it. one of the best if not the best adviser i know. well, i believe it's our commonality (tama ba?) that binds us. our advocacies, some hobbies and practices, work ethics and some other same things na naging rason kung bakit kami naging close na nag-umpisa lang naman sa SG and that's one of the things that i will be grateful sa aking SG experience. haha. and i'm looking forward in working again with her soon, perhaps in a business venture this time. haha.

well, feeling ko i'm going nowhere so let me start getting to the point.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRISTINA ALEXIA CARTAGO CASTRO. 19 kana pare! haha. more birthdays to come sayo. hm. of course, i wish all the good things that you deserve be given to you lekks. perhaps hindi one-time bigtime pero one at a time. i know, you'll go far someday and saan ka man mapadpad of course magiging masaya ako para sayo as your friend. i hope we will have some sort of ym sessions again wherein we will share anything under the sun. hm. speechless na ako. i just hope that you will have a great day and more great days to come. pero let me turn the tide now, IT'S GREAT TO HAVE A FRIEND LIKE YOU LEKKS! ALL THE BEST FOR YOU! CHEERS! APPEAR! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :)


good old days

i was about to take my written exam which is one of the requirements for a driver's license at LTO last may 24 in the afternoon at 1:00 pm. however, i ended up helping my brother dan in enrolling at UNC because i was not that punctual enough thus, arriving at the examination venue 10 minutes after 1:00. kaya ayun, hindi ako naka-exam. that's why i was reminded to be punctual though i can say that it's not because of me why i am late but because of Dan's some sort of kabagalan. but then it's okay. blaming should stop. bottomline, this experience reminded me of this one. haha. good old high school days! :D



yet another survey-surveyhan and this time i got this from Aila. hm. eto ay feeling ko wala ng gender bias and so let me start answering. haha. :D

1. Are you single - Yep. very much single and am enjoying it.
2. Are you happy - Yes. i'm happy yippie yehey! haha. :D
3. Are you bored - I don't think so.
4. Are you white - oh no. haha. i'm kayumanggi. Pilipino ako! haha.
5. Are you Italian - i'm a Filipino and you are?
6. Are you intelligent - i'm just on the average.
7. Are you honest - most of the time, i believe.
8. Are you nice - Yes.
9. Are you Irish - again, i'm a Filipino. and you are?
10. Are you Asian - well, since the Philippines is in asia i bet i'm an asian.

1. Full Name - Russ Daniel Oliva Baldoza
2. Nicknames - Boboy, Russ (with a variety of spelling), Daniel
3. Birth place - Daraga, Albay (originally), Polangui, Albay (legally)
4. Hair color - black
5. Natural hair style - to be determined
6. Currently living at - Naga City, PH
7. Birthday -June 2
8. Mood - wait, i'm assessing my mood...
9. Favorite color - it varies. pero more on blue and green na ako ngayon.
10. One Place you'd like to visit - Paris, France

1. Have you ever been in love - i like to say yes.
2. Do you believe in love at first sight - no.
3. Do you currently have a crush? - of course i do have.
4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally - yes. it's part of loving right?
5. Have you ever broken someone's heart - gusto ko sanang mag-NO pero yes na lang. haha.
6. Have you ever had your heart broken - yes. again, it's part of loving right?.
7. Have you ever liked someone but never told them - haha. yeah! torpe daw ako.
8. Are you afraid of commitment - not really.
9. Who was the last person you hugged - i cannot recall. haha. parang matagal na din.
10. Who was the last person you said I love you to? - in person? parang si mama. hindi ko sure. haha.

1. Love or lust - LOVE of course.
2. Hard liquor or beer - pwede bang Tanduay Ice na lang?
3. Cats or dogs - arf.arf.arf!
4. A few best friends or any regular friends - few best friends/
5. Creamy or Crunchy - crunchy.
6. Pencil or Pen - pen.
7. Wild night out or romantic night in - depende sa mood.
8. Money or Happiness - Happiness of course!
9. Night or day - night.
10. IM or phone - phone.

1. Been caught sneaking out - not yet. haha.
2. Seen a polar bear - not yet. someday i will.
3. Done something you regret - yeah.
4. Bungee jumped - not yet but i want to try this someday and i'm looking for that day. :)
5. Eaten food that fell on the floor - yeah!
6. Finished an entire jaw breaker - sorry, i'm ignorant about that.
7. Been caught naked – not yet. haha.
8. Wanted an ex bf/gf back - parang NO.
9. Cried because you lost a pet - wala kaming pet.
10. Wanted to disappear - yeah. sometime.

1. Smile or eyes - eyes
2. Light or dark hair - dark
3. Hugs or kisses - hugs
4. Shorter or taller - shorter
5. Intelligence or attraction - intelligence
6. Hot Topic or Hollister - hot topic na lang. hindi ko alam ang hollister. haha.
7. Funny or serious - funny who knows when to take things seriously
8. Older or Younger - either or
9. Outgoing or quiet - outgoing who knows when to be quiet
10. Sweet or Bad - sweet

1. Ever performed in front of a large crowd - Yeah! i danced and i sang.
2. Ever talked on the phone for longer than an hour - not yet. ampagod ata nun sa tenga.
3. Ever tried walking on your hands - hindi ko kaya
4. Ever been to a rock concert - yes. PNE
5. Ever been on a cheerleading team? - not yet. haha
6. Ever went skinny dipping? - ano yun?
7. Ever been on a blind date? - not yet at wala akong plano
8. Ever went ice skating - not yet but then again, someday i will
9. Ever owned a BMW, Mercedes Benz, Escalade, Hummer or Bentley? - someday, oo sana!
10. Ever been in a circus? - yeah (parang circus naman yun)

1. Go bungy jumping or cliff diving? – all of the above!
2. Watch a Horror Film or a Chic Flick? – horror!
3. Go to Hawaii or Aspen? – pearly shells sa hawaii
4. Play spin the bottle or truth or dare? – ano bang mangyayari kung spin the bottle ang pipiliin ko?
5. Cheat or be caught cheating? – cheat na lang. mahirap mahuli
6. Read or watch? – watch. i'm more on the visual
7. Text or Call? – both
8. Sing a Rebecca Black Song or a Justin Bieber Song? – not a fan. haha.
9. Quiet and Happy or Loud but Hurting? first one.
10. Go on Facebook or Tumblr? - facebook. friends connection.

1. Last phone call you made – hindi po ako tumatawag. mahirap lang ako. pero parang si laisa na hindi sinasagot ang calls ko.
2. Last person you hugged - please refer above.
3. Last person you hung out with – mama and dan.
4. Last time you worked – namalantsa ako awhile ago
5. Last person you tackled – my ex-crush ivy abano
6. Last person you IM'd – alex?
7. Last person you texted - roxanne to told her how depressing the LTO exam was.
8. Last person(s) you went to the movies with? – angelo (Rio).
9. Last person you webcammed with? – matagal ng hindi!
10. Last person/thing you missed - alex and rica.


it's confirmed!

last may 18, i had the chance to see for myself the results of our battery examination or 'quali' counterpart for some school which could signal either the end of our social work education or the continuation of it until (hopefully) fourth year. personally speaking, i was satisfied with the results and i am thankful of it. however, we lost 9 supposedly soon-to-be-colleagues in the department. more frustrating is the fact that some of them are the people who belonged to my own sure list of passers. it signaled the abrupt end of our connection in the department but still, i hope that we will still be friends.

moving on, it's confirmed. i'm on the top of the pack. i'm 2009-31-264-18A (i wonder why BU need long student/id no. when they can give a number as simply as 2009-00001 and so on and so forth) with an average score of 92. for some, it's not a surprise but for me, it's a surprise because i didn't even targeted the top spot that hard or should i say i didn't exert much effort to attain it because of the fear of higher expectations from my peers and the faculty. but God gave that to me and therefore, i shall exert more effort to maintain what i have today (if possible) until our graduations and eventually the board exam.

nonetheless, i'm proud of what i had achieved and congratulations to me. bad thing, my parents didn't even congratulated me despite the fact that i did not request for anything in return with this particular achievement. another bad thing, my target fifth place in the dean's list last academic semester which i requested something in return with my parents if i attain it is not so plausible at this time due to the fact that we don't have a grade yet in philippine realities and development perspective and basic economics with taxation and agrarian reform. ansarap umiyak. huhuhu. but of course, i would not want to do that.

but still, the optimism still flows! yeah. i'm looking for a more colorful AY 2011-2012. ROCK ON and LET'S GET IT ON! :D

ps. thank you God for another blessing you gave me. :)

***photo is courtesy of roxee dls with her jejecam. thanks friend! :D



let me share to you one part of my 'published' book of myself. this part is entitled 10 years from now. basically, this part should be the part wherein i should describe and state what, where and who i am after 10 years but i decided to do it with a little bit of twist by narrating what happened during the ten years. simply, this is my dream. this is the Russ i would want to become after ten years (atleast for now). haha. btw, some parts with gramatical errors were improved though i can say that this article still contains grammatical errors. enjoy reading. :)


Its 2021 now and it was exactly ten years ago when I submitted a book of myself to Prof. Vida Sales as one of our major requirements in the Personal Growth and Processes course. I enjoyed the process of coming up a book of myself but at the same time I felt problematic about how my book of myself would look like when I submitted it. Well, it was ten years ago. Many things changed and many are still changing. I can still remember what Ms. Teran, one of my favorite high school teachers said to us, “When you dream, dream BIG! Because everything starts in dreaming.” Today, I'm 28 years old now but then going back to what had happened (focusing on the highlights) after ten years is quite an exciting and thrilling one.

Well, it was in March 2011 that I was elected as the Human Welfare Advocates President and I was very excited and I was really looking forward to start my one year stint as the HWA President to usher in what I called ‘a year of changes for the years to come’ for the student organization of the social work students. Two months later, I passed the Battery Exam which signaled the continuation of my journey to graduation with a degree in Social Work even though my mother asked me if I am really sure in finishing social work. If I can remember it right, I was in the Top 5 when the over-all results were posted and I was very happy with that. All my friends passed and since we passed, a hike at the foot of Mayon Volcano and a road trip to the north is our prize to ourselves. What a fun time!

2012. During my third year, I was very challenged with Thesis Writing just like any other third year and former third year social work students. Plus challenge was my position with Human Welfare Advocates and my longing to make HWA a better, if not the best, organization aimed in developing the student’s potentials and facilitating holistic development. Moreover, it was a great year, though really challenging (with my love life involve).

2013. My last year in college was the most challenging one. Being in a community is not that easy for me especially that I had been used in urban setting. However, I enjoyed the stay much for it was very relax and serene in the community as if my connection with nature is at its maximum. Nonetheless, a great last year marked by another experience that I am treasuring up to now. To end my four long (though I felt that it was short due to the fact that I enjoyed every piece of it) years of college was the graduation. I graduated in Bicol University College of Social Sciences and Philosophy with a degree in Social Work as Cum Laude which is of course, my tribute not only to myself but also to my friends, mentors and of course my parents.

Reviewing for the board was never easy. There are a lot of distractions that should be dealt with accordingly. It was in June 2013 that I finally took the board exam to add an RSW (Registered Social Worker not the other one) and become a duly registered Social Worker and to be able to practice my profession at full. When results came, I made it to the Top 10. Actually, I was the 2013 Social Work Licensure Examination Topnotcher and our batch made another milestone in the history of the department by having a 100% passing rate. All the efforts (which includes mine and of others) paved off and I’m very thankful to God, my parents, my mentors and my friends. After the testimonial rites, I had my one month vacation before starting my career.

After passing the Board, I was really confused on what setting and agency to apply for. Of course during that time and for some reasons, I would want to apply at the DSWD or at the Naga City Social Welfare and Development Office (which Sir Jim keeps on telling me) because of job security compared to applying in an NGO. However, I said to myself that my social work experience will never be complete if I will not apply in an NGO. So I finally decided to apply as social worker in an NGO in Naga, then eventually in Manila. I even reached Masbate, Leyte, Maguindanao and other poverty stricken provinces in the country as part of my duty in my Manila-based NGO. Since, I am in Manila and I would want to improve I decided to take my Masters at the University of the Philippines. Gladly, after two years, I already finished my masters with flying colors.

Well, basically the years 2013 – 2015 were my work years where I started my social work career with 2015 as the year when I finally got my Masters. After getting my masters, I went back to Bicol and worked for a Legazpi-based NGO. Also, it was in 2013 that my love life started to sprung and add colors to my life. It was in 2016 that I finally got one of my wishes came true, my wish to be a part of the academe. It was in this year that I started teaching (on a contractual basis) at the social work department where I pay homage of what and where I am now. It was also in 2016 that I started to pursue a law degree to become a social lawyer (social worker plus lawyer). In 2018, after a two year stay in the academe, I decided to leave to focus on earning my law degree and on working as social worker. It was on 2019 that I finally graduated and and earned my law degree and eventually I passed the Bar Exams with flying colors.

On 2020, after passing the bar, I decided to start my doctoral studies to further boost my learning. On the next year, I was hired at UNICEF (one of my greatest dream) and was assigned to war torn and poverty stricken countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Korea, and Egypt depending on the needs of UNICEF personnel. While working UNICEF, the honorarium I received was being allotted in the construction of my dream house in the Philippines which at that time was supervised by my parents. After a year (2021) of working with UNICEF, I decided to render my resignation and went home to my most beloved Philippines in my new house.

After going back to the Philippines, I applied at Department of Social Welfare and Development and was luckily hired. Today, aside from having a stable job at DSWD and rich experiences that I have had, I am now starting my business ventures with my friends, Christina Alexia Castro and Trixia Mae Felix, and another business venture with Mara Erika Dela Cruz and Marc Daryll Queng to suffice my financial needs at present and in the future (especially my plans of going around the world). I am also helping my parents, little by little, to put into reality their dream retirement home and farm at uptown Naga City and another dream retirement home and resort at Sipocot. But the major event that will be happening in my life this year is my marriage to my loved one next year and thus, signaling the start of my family life. I and my loved one is starting to save money to be used in starting our family. But before that, I remember that MnT will have a African and European Cruise Reunion sponsored by Kuya Bjorn Oropesa. Excited na ako! Which will be followed by another international reunion with me and my bestfriends group (Alex, Trixia, Rica and Rufo).

Well, ten years seem short and I miss a lot of moments but I’m thankful I met a lot of people and I meet my friends whom up to now stayed. By the way, the MnT is planning to start a foundation little by little and I hope we will be successful in this endeavor. Furthermore, I am also an active advocate for our environment now lobbying for a greener and cleaner Philippines and the World. Perhaps, i can say that i am successful in my career and hopefully will also become successful in my personal/family life. I reached a distance with a short 10 years but i am very sure that i can and i will go further within the next 10 years. :)


"It is better to aim high and miss than to aim low and hit" - Martin Vanbee

RH now

i can't stop campaigning for RH Bill in my own little ways especially that tomorrow (if i am right) is the scheduled debate about RH Bill in the House of Representatives. well, i guess i stated the reason why i am for RH Bill passage. let me state some of my reasons by quoting the staunch RH advocate Carlos Celdran, "the bill aims to provide awareness and education. it isn't about abortion or population control." i would like to believe that at this point in time, i don't personally need RH but thinking about the millions of Filipinos living under the poverty line, we need to educate them. we need to give them the chance and opportunity to choose their path away from poverty by (in this case) giving them access to both natural and artificial family planning whichever they would want to use. we are a nation of strong 92 million and more Filipinos. yes, i believe that population is our very asset but then again, this bill is not about population control and i would like to believe that the bill will paved way for a sustainable population growth which will be very helpful for the country. we cannot waste more and more time. our time is now! i'm pro-life. pro-quality life for the Filipino people. pass the RH bill!

as to the opposition of the catholic church, well, i am a proud catholic but i think supporting the RH bill will not make me less of a catholic because i know God wants the best for His people and God wants better life especially for the poor. but let me quote another statement, this time from Leloy Claudio with regards to the opposition of the Catholic church. "Condoms and anti-colonial novels are, after all, eerily similar: they piss off the powerful because they liberate" and perhaps you can read his blogpost about the RH bill and the Catholic opposition through this link.



Academic Year 2010-2011 had ended. in fact, matagal na. matagal na matagal na. but then the reasons to celebrate my ay 2010-2011 is not yet finished. in fact, it will never end for it will serve as the testament of my determination and hardships and a proof that my college life is on the right track and i myself is on the right track. that's why, before another academic year commence, it will be good to go back to the reasons why ay2010-2011 is such a wonderful year for me. yeah! let me start!


well, it is given that high school friends have a special portion in one's heart. after all, for the most of us, high school is the most happy or simply the best years in one's life. but we also have college friends and i have MnT or mababangis na tao. well, the name have a quite long story so forget it. hm. basta this year, friendship grew stronger, better and more colorful. :p

it seems that our circle of friends (structure) is getting more and more complicated. our group, JARUMAROKA is one of the many subgroups of MnT. evidently, i am the only rose among the thorns because from MnT boys eh ako lang ang naligaw sa block A. kaya ako lang ang solo. hm. ay si Dan pa pala. pero parating nawawala si Dan kaya parang solo pa rin ako. well, sila ang aking mga marias at miss ko na sila. :)


each academic year gives us different opportunities to explore. the recently concluded academic year indeed gave me a lot of opportunities i dare not miss. perhaps i could attribute it to my positions as the College Student Council Representative and Human Welfare Advocates Secretary plus PCO Auditor. haha. like for example the opportunity to attend the 8th Student Governance Training at Bacacay, National Art Theraphy Convention at Kanzo Hall, Legazpi, a dozen of university meetings and convocations, events and happenings.


yeah. i know that this can be accepted in Ripley's Believe it or Not pero wala kayong magagawa. i actually danced and sang at the Pacific Mall Entertainment Plaza in front of strangers and friend alike. good thing, supports and encouragement poured during that day. thanks fans! haha. :D


yeah i published the book of myself entitled, "ako ini." it is actually a requirement for a course named Personal Growth and Processes and i'm proud of my book! haha. :)


lakwatchero ako at aminado ako diyan. haha. exploring was always been a part of me. going there, going anywhere possible, game ako! haha. that's why this academic year gave me the opportunity to conquer manito (thanks to dan, jo and marlon), sto. domingo (for our Christmas celebration), tabaco city (for Farah's debut) and my home city - Naga City (for our group road trip and rizal tour). next year, mas maaksyon at mas malayo pa (sana!) ngapala, aside from those mentioned, i also reached guinobatan centro (for the first time) at mga liblib na barangay sa daraga at legazpi.


Hataw, ang isa sa mga ipinagmamalaking something "unique" daw ng BU. given na kapag ikaw ay freshmen at sophies ay maghahataw ka whether you like it or yes once a year hanggang matapos ka sa PE subject mo (maliban na lang sa mga PE majors) kaya ibig sabihin usually, two hataws lang ang nagagawa ng estudyante. pero iba kami. tatlong hataw sa buong college life ay nagawa ko particularly (hindi kasama ang practicum sa PE). nyahaha. salamat sa SCUAA at iba ang batch namin.


yeah! sa tinagal-tagal ng langoy ay nakaahon din ako. haha. enough said na ata. please refer to the prior posts na lang sa archives. haha. pero salamat din sa PE at natuto din akong magbowling. ten pin man o duck pin. haha. yeah! experience! well, sinali ko to dahil at first i am in doubt that i can pass and survive the swimming class plus the fact that i really enjoyed bowling thought the highest score i got is only just around 60-70.


because of MNT especially my los lakwatchero bros angelo and melvz, my social life improved. we actually had a couple of night outs especially when there is a big reason to celebrate. :)


certainly for some, having a zero lovelife is not a reason for celebration but let me count it in. it's a blessing in disguise. haha. :)


masyado atang colorful ang year ko. though this can be counted under the post academic year 2010-2011 in my own opinion, let me still count this in. i passed the battery exam and gladly i passed it with flying colors by being the topnotcher for this years test. :)


well, i'm not into bragging things here. but i think that there is no reason for me to keep my achievements when i know for a fact that i work hard to get it or it is the by-product of being determined to do things extraordinarily or in my way. this is another reason to celebrate. i got my fourth, fifth and sixth achievement since starting college. the college academic excellence award, service award and outstanding social work student in academics. of course, i'm proud because i work hard for it (diba paulit-ulit ako) and i'm thinking that maybe it's the last time i will receive an academic award kaya dapat talagang magcelebrate na. haha.


yep. you read it right. i'm bracing for more opportunities up for grab next academic year especially that before the academic year 2010-2011 closed, i received yet another challenge and position namely, president of the BU Blue Feathers Society and president of the Human Welfare Advocates. having that in mind, i'm guessing that my next academic year will be busier and challenging.


my twitter and formspring invasion

summer is an opportunity to relax and connect with the people you get disconnected during school time. basically my summer can be best described in four words that i know you are very familiar with and thats kain, tulog, internet and tv. that four words are very true especially during the my first days of summers however i choose to depart since last week or last last week because i want a different summer. that's why i end up doing the laundry of the whole family, ironing the clothes, helping in cleaning the house and the other house which i fondly call as the annex and activities which i can equate with household chores.

eventhough i found something that will make me busy, still there is the time alloted for internet and since it's summer, meaning there's no homework and researches needed, i decided to take a step further for my social life (social media category) by invading twitter and formspring which can also be attributed to the lack of personal summer activities. well, i'm just starting to learn how to use twitter and i'm starting to see the positive side of twitter though as of this time, i only have 16 followers. haha. with formspring, it started actually with my urge and thirst to answer everything under the sun questions though sadly, no one dare ask questions personally except for some questions that were being asked to all the members or followers. i was actually inspired and envied by tumblr because one can ask the owner of the account in tumblr any question and the owner can answer bad. too bad, blogspot doesn't have that function. but still, i'm hoping for questions and i want it bad. haha. :D

as for tumblr. i used to have an account in tumblr. naabot ko pa nga ang tumblrity noon. however, i decided to stay with blogspot because it's more personal. haha. and of course, as for my facebook account, it's as is, still alive, kicking and active.

hm. get to know me more by asking anything-under-the-sun questions on formspring: russbaldoza

and follow me on twitter @russbaldoza and get updated by me on anything and everything. :D

that's all for now folks. adios! :)

pasado ako

tapos na ang battery examination namin. of course, i am quite confident that i will pass because pinaghirapan ko din naman kahit papano ang battery exam though i can say, i did not really exert that much effort that i know i can because tinatamad lang ako. ibig kong sabihin, there are times na mas pinili kong manood ng pelikula sa laptop, maglakwatcha or matulog kaysa mag-aral dahil sa iba-ibang rason kasali na ang katamaran at katamaran pa rin (to be named pa ang iba). hm. pero ang bottomline, pinaghusayan ko ang pag-aaral sa mga panahong nag-aaral ako. pero yun pa rin, alam kong hindi ko binigay ang 100% ko sa pag-aaral. pero atleast, binigay ko naman ang 100% ko sa pagtake ng exam yun nga lang with a twist. kasi nung first day, ang goal ko ay dapat una akong makapasa ng test paper, huling makapasa naman nung second day at wala akong goal basta makapasa nung last day. hm.

moving on, ayun na nga. lumabas na ang results last week or last last week pa ata and hindi ko pa alam kung ilan ang nakuha kong percentage or average. ang alam ko lang ay nakapasa ako at nakapasa ako with flying colors. initial reports from my classmates ay topnotcher ako. kung oo man ay pinapasalamatan ko ng so much si Bro sa isa na namang biyayang binigay niya. haha. salamat po! at natutuwa din naman ako dahil kunti lang ang hindi nakapasa pero mas masaya siguro kung lahat kami pasado. sayang. dapat sa board ay 100% passing na kami. hm. basta yun thank you Bro.

pero ewan ko ba, hindi ako ganun ka-enthusiastic. kasi sabi ko nga sa sarili ko before ng test. hindi ko target ang top. ang target ko lang makapasa. hindi ko target dahil sa isang rason, kasi alam ko na kapag nag-top ako sa battery ay lalaki ang expectation sa akin ng mga kaklase ko (siguro) pero mas lalaki ang expectation ng teachers ko (sigurado) at ayaw ko yun dahil ayaw kong malunod sa expectations ng ibang tao. sa expectation ko sa sarili ko pwede pa. haha. pero binigay ni Bro kaya i'm bracing for more challenges ahead na alam kong makakaya ko (hopefully).

ngapala, sinabi ko din kina mama ang result habang nagmomother's day celebration kami sa SM Biggs. hindi siya nagulat. sabagay sabi niya nga before pa man magtake ng test ay kayang-kaya ko daw at magtotop pa ako. sabi ko noon overconfident naman si mama. hm. pero nakakalungkot. wala akong narinig na CONGRATULATIONS. hm. hindi naman ako humingi ng materyal na kapalit at hindi na rin ako humuhingi ng kapalit tuwing may 'achievement' ako dahil ayaw ko silang nahihirapan ng ganun pero ang ipagkaiit ba naman ang one word sa akin?? hm. sa napakaraming nag-congratulate sa akin, wala yung taong inaasahan ko. nakaksama ng loob pero life must go on.

pero eto pa isa, nabasa ko ito sa social work students group ng bucssp sa fb:

feeling ko dapat compliment ang mga statements sa ibaba pero ewan ko ba. parang na-offend ako (feeling ko mali ang term na ginamit ko) pero hindi lang ako masaya. nawawala din kasi ang elemet of 'surprise' kumbaga at isa pa ay isa itong expression ng expectation sa akin. kitams 'as expected' daw. hm. pero gayunpaman, salamat pa rin sa compliment dahil alam kong ang hangarin nina ate doris, kuya jade, melvz, argz ay para icongratulate ako.

hm. ewan. nalulungkot (pero parang mali pa rin yung term) ako sa bagay na dapat ay kinatutuwa ko. pero sandali, hindi yun eh. narelize ko, nalulungkot ako hindi sa pagiging top sa battery pero sa consequences na dala nito. yun. fitting na ata yun.

hm. kelangan ata mas magfocus na muna ako sa pagiging masaya sa kinalabasan kaya again, salamat kay Bro sa isa na namang blessings at mas pagbubutihan ko pa. congratulations din sa lahat ng nakapasa!


close kami ni gov

i personally saw governor Joey Salceda of Albay for a couple of times now. i saw him once in BU during the opening of the regional SCUAA and a couple of time during the pinakaMAGAYON festival that i witnessed. thinking that i am a Darageuño by real birth by Polangueño by roots and by 'legal' birth, Albayano by blood but Nagueño by heart, i didn't hesitate to add his genuine facebook account wherein he is almost always 24/7 online and would give out comments and posts different things on his wall and other's wall. well, i would like to admit that among the politicians that we have today, governor Salceda belongs to the one i admire because of his pro-environment stand, his leadership style and the way he lead albay. i can say that albay is progressing much and that's because of him. Polangui, as an example, is almost a city kulang na lang sa legality because hindi pa nito abot ang population requirement and the size requirement stated in Local Government Code if i am correct. so yun, i add governor joey during the heat of Magayon Festival and upon responding to my request, he posted this on my wall"

of course, as courtesy, i heed to his request in helping him thus i posted it also on my wall hoping that my friends would like it. well, i would like to believe that some of my friends liked the festival page and also added gov. salceda. just like rokksi. gov also did the same thing and ask rokksi to help him promote the festival page. well, i'm amazed with the statement of gov which goes like 'si gov joey sarte salceda tabi ini'. for me, it's a statement of humility. that's why i commented (which was not inlcuded in the printscreen). sabi ko, napakahumble naman ni gov.

to my surprise, governor salceda posted on my wall and poof... friends na kami! joke lang. hm. we had a little conversation and my admiration to governor salceda ay dumagdag because it's very seldom for a governor to get connected to his constituents. sabi nga ni melvz nung nagsayaw si gov ng rapapa with dianne necio, hindi mo lamang makita ang governor namin na mangganyan (btw, melvz is from the ISLAmic republic of Masbate). haha. my bestfriend was also amazed and said that i was bigaten because the good governor commented on my wall. well, sabi ko friends na kami. close friends. haha.

my point in posting this is that, the accessibility of governor joey salceda is highly commendable. i remember secretary jesse robredo whose cellphone number is open to public and would reply whenever you text him. well, i guess public officials should be accessible for their constituents. pero, close na kami ni gov. haha. :D

btw, this happened way back april pa. may katagalan na. haha. :D


she's a year older today

if i have a friend that i can say i miss the most, it would probably be TRIXIA MAE FELIX. well, for one reason, sa mga tinuturin kong closests friends (ewan ko lang kung isa din ako sa closests friends niya) eh siya lang ata ang medyo matagal-tagal ko ng hindi nakikita and i can't even remember when was the last time our eyes meet plus we never sent text to each other. huhu. hm. supposedly, we would meet last sembreak but then due to some circumstances eh nagmoviedate na lang kami ni alekks instead of group date but then i'm still hoping that before another stressful academic semester start, our eyes will meet and our souls will rejoice. anyway, i'm being optimistic because i am optimistic and alekks said that i should not doubt. haha.

today is May 11, 2011. a normal, ordinary and usual day that would pass by with me doing nothing but sitting or sleeping or doing something that is not that productive. but May 11, 2011 is not just a normal day for my extra-ordinary friend Trixia'TABA. today is her birthday. her 18th birthday. her debut kumbaga. and this calls for a special celebration. PARTY! PARTY! weetweew. haha.

matagal-tagal na rin ng huli tayong nagkita, nagkakwentuhan o kahit man lang nagkausap. feeling ko years na, parang gusto ko na ngang magtanong kung kilala mo pa ako. haha. well, kidding aside, sana maging masaya ka ngayong kaarawan mo pero sana mas masaya ka kahit hindi mo birthday. sana maging successful ka in every part of your life. sana marinig ko na ulit ang tawa mong nakakahawa at sana magkita na tayo. feeling ko, i'm being selfish. pansin mo? wish ko para sayo, laging kasama ako. haha. kasi feeling ko, para rin yang friendship, may dumating man na bago, retained pa rin ang space para sayo at para kila bestfriend, alekks, rupax at iba pa. i guess it's me saying, ui taba, mas maribok ang earth kung yaon ka or kung kataid taka. or it is me saying, seryoso taba, miss ta kana!

haha. wrong timing ang drama ko kung drama man ang apod dyan. let go back to the focus. TABA! from the bottom of my heart, HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TABA! gusto ko sanang magsali sa celebration mo pero sadly i can't because you're there and i'm here. pero ayos lang, macelebrate na lang ako ning birthday mo digdi para saimo of course. haha. again and again and will always be, i hope that more blessings ang darating sayo. i hope that mas magiging masaya ka. come to think of it, napapasaya mo ang mga tao sa paligid mo kaya you deserve to be happy kesa sa kahit sino man ang nasa paligid mo. i hope magiging successful ka sa lovelife, studies and any endeavor mo. i hope we can see each other again and i hope, makasama ako sainyo ni bestfriend sa bungee jumping niyo kasi gusto ko rin. pangit ang solo eh. surely, mas masayang kung may kasama at mas masaya kung kasama kayo. haha. i miss you trixia and always take care. happy birthday! :)


blue feather again

well, prior to this post i believe i had mentioned blue feather society for several times but here i am again, posting yet another blue feather society material. i was visiting the university site and poof - i saw the news about blue feathers and saw my name on it and since it is a very rare happening wherein i will saw my name and picture posted on the site, i 'printscreen' it and decided to post it here as a souvenir. haha. here it is: TAAADDAAAAA!

by the way, also on the list is Angelo Uclaray, a very close friend of mine and Alexis Mabini who happened to be my vice-president during our United Freshmen Organization years. :D


natapos ko rin

yes! dahil wala akong magawa ay tinapos ko na lang ang Mortimer Beckett and the Secrets of the Spooky Mansion. matagal-tagal ko na ring hindi naipagpatuloy ang aking laro kaya eto, pagkatapos ng mind-cracking na paghahanap eh natapos ko na. yeah! congratulations to me. :D


oh mangga! hinding-hindi kumpleto ang summer ko kung wala ka. haha. sarap!

meet my new 'unrealistic' crush

ang ganda ni Alodia. crush ko na siya. nyahahaha. sayang! i miss the opportunity to see the goddess of cosplay during her visit in Albay for the Magayon Cosplay. huhu. sayang na sayang!