

probably you laughed upon seeing the "badly" photoshoped picture of superRUSS. well, again, it is not known to many that i am regarded by atleast two friends as superman. sabi ko nga ay kung si kuya harry daet ang spiderman ng cssp, ako naman ang superman. well, actually it started with kuya lou lauraya who happens to be the BU presidential son and an incoming senior of social work and then the story continued. poknat also calls me superman because according to her, i'm kinda her savior and mavic calls me superman because she thinks that i can do anything or just everything (which is humanly impossible. haha)

of course, i'm flattered with me being associated to superman. it's a whoah! because how come i can be associated to superman. i don't have special powers like the power of flight and the superstrength but perhaps they called me because that's what they see and i thanked them. but then just like spiderman's famous quote, with great power comes great responsibility, with them calling me superman would mean that i should always be that superguy in their eyes. gladly, i'm not the kind of person who lives everyday fulfilling the expectations of others towards me for i think it would be better if i will live according to what i want and who i really am. living with the expectations of others comes second only because i am the driver of my life not them. katunayan, when i have the chance, i expose to them and i try to expose to them my weakness point and the not so superguy attitude. haha. that's life! that's reality!

but with the different events that happened during the last month of the recently concluded academic year plus the expected pressures, expectations, twist and turns of the junior year in social work (if ever i passed the battery exam), i just think i literally need to become a superman or let's just say superRUSS and let me dissect the different reasons/factors on why is that so.

EXTRA-CURRICULAR. first on my cape, i got on my hands a university based organization but its not a simple UBO - The Order of the Bicol University Blue Feather Society: The Official Honor Society of BU. it is the organization of the cream of the crop of BU. the top 10 and top 15 of the different colleges/units of BU. worse, i am the president or the chancellor once the new draft of the constitution is finalized. actually, our term should end august of AY2011-2012, however, my co-officers are thinking of extending our term so that we could finish one academic year considering the facts that we are elected just one month before the closing of AY2010-2011. Dr. Bibi and the assistant dean of the BU Office of Student Services said that i should be up for reelection once a new election happens on august or perhaps july after we have finished laying the foundations of the organization but i don't really know. for now, i'm into the idea of not running for reelection but i think i can change my mind as the days pass. well, it's not just hard but it's very hard handling a UBO. Second on my cape under extra-curricular is the HUMAN WELFARE ADVOCATES. well, just this march i was promoted from being the HWA secretary by being elected as president with overwhelming votes with Angelo fielded as my opponent but then suggested that voters should vote for me instead thus it's as if i don't have any contender to the presidency. well, HWA is just a small organization, a college based organization and is the organization of all the students of the social work department. eventhough, it's a small organization, soo much is expected from HWA being the Best College Based Organization for AY 2010-2011 and the constant successes it enjoyed during the past years. meaning, i with my officers should strive to maintain the title and to even surpass what last year's hwa had done.

ACADEMIC PRESSURES. Maintain, Improve, Keep whatever academic achievements i have and the rest is self-explanatory being true to any student. haha. :p

THESIS. Though part of academic pressures, thesis deserves a lone spot because of the fact that this is the major stressor of the junior life. sleepless nights, tiresome data gathering, brain cracking write-ups and re-writes - more to come and yet again, the rest is self-explanatory. perhaps i can also add here our counselling subject and the practical for counselling. well, counselling is not that easy.

LOVELIFE. first question, meron ba? haha. hmm. i don't know but just like what i wrote in my Ten Years From Now article in the book of myself, junior year is my lovelife year but i don't think so. if ever, wawa man future girlfriend ko kaya wag na lang. i think i'll just wait until i finish college. haha.

OTHERS. these includes friends (MNT/BESTFRIENDS/NAGA FRIENDS), family and such other things.

well, they are truly some of the facts but i must say that after all, i am quite confident that at the end of Academic Year 2011-2012, i can proudly say that I MADE IT! better yet I MADE IT WITH FLYING COLORS! i am very optimistic and just like what i always bear in mind, positive thinking will transform into positive results. haha. :D