
i need to catch things up... BADLY!

well, its been month or perhaps months since i last posted here and aside from the limited-or-nothing-at-all connection i had in albay, i can also attribute it to that fact that this last few months have been in fact the busiest i have for this academic year if my assessment merits me right. the point is I NEED TO CATCH THINGS UP BADLY! i think i would love to write a couple of movie reviews, experiences sharing because this past months were also in fact months full of adventures, lovelife? sharing (if there is any) and a couple of articles i would love to do. hmm. i think i need to challenge myself with one article a week which would cover anything under the sun. my superego says its a good idea but my id says i need to catch things up first. haha. well, i better start catching things AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!



joo♥ said...

russ! superego and id!hahaha psychology and also mentioned in philosophy. hahaha! wala lang. :)

russbaldoza said...

haha. hi jo! i like your profile picture here in blogspot (if that's what you call it) anyways, yepyep. but actually, its more on psychology since my degree is more on human behavior and i don't really like philosophy. haha. well, nice to note that you leave a comment. missyoutoo jowhee. hahaha. :D