

i've never been to Palawan. i only saw Palawan and it's beautiful places through the internet, television shows and tourism ads plus the pictures that my mama have when she went to Palawan and went home not just with a bunch of photos but also with a rainmaker courtesy of the good mayor of Puerto Princesa, Mayor Hagedorn. and certainly, Palawan is in my list of MY TO MUST VISITED PLACES SOMEDAY. well, just after the CSC election (or maybe before), ate aubrey gave me two signature/petition forms saying NO TO MINING IN PALAWAN. of course, since i am a green warrior and environmental advocate in my own capacity i asked my classmates to sign and affix their name if they also believe that the Philippines Last Frontier should be protected against environmental destruction and . most of them signed, but sadly not all. perhaps they were attacked by apathy which was the long running disease of many (not all) students of bicol university for the last few years but it's another story. going back to Palawan and mining in palawan, here in Bicol, movement against mining corporations is also strong especially the one that can be found in Rapu-Rapu Island in the province of albay. even Gov. Salceda, a green economist approved a resolution or a provincial ordinance (i forgot) stating strong opposition against mining. the good governor himself stated that mining gets more yet it returns very little. well, we have seen the bad effects of mining but why we are still allowing them? Below is a screenshot of the GIF found in no2mininginpalawan.com wherein i also signed an online petition against mining in palawan.

the bottomline of this is that while it is true that mining is an investment and it provides cash perhaps to the people around the area and revenue to the government, mining destroys the environment. OUR ENVIRONMENT. palawan is such a treasure of the country in terms of biodiversity and we should not dare destroy it in exchange of some coins which mostly will just go in the hands of the crook politicians and rich owners of mining firms. perhaps we can gain money in millions but the destruction it can bring to Palawan's natural resources is priceless for no amount of money can replace the destroyed Fauna and Flora. Palawan is a gift for us and we should not let irresponsible people lead it to the path of destruction. NO TO MINING IN PALAWAN! better yet, NO TO MINING IN THE PHILIPPINES!

if it happened that you have the same sentiments against mining and for the environment, sign the petition online at no2mininginpalawan.com. it's a little step and quite of little effort but it signifies your intention and conviction for environmental conservation. :)