

i am starting my 'home' gym exercises at our boarding house and i'm slowly trimming my food intake especially rice limiting it to one cup only most of the time. i guess its high time for me to get pretty serious about losing some fats especially that i have received many comments that i am becoming bigger and bigger. its high time for me to get pretty serious in losing weight if i would like to pursue my plans of joining the search for mr. bucssp and eventually the search for mr. bu some eight months away from now. its high time for me to get serious especially if i want to say yes to ate abby's modeling offer once she officially approach me. this is serious business and seryoso na ako. i'm also planning to have a jogging exercise every saturday morning at BU athletic grounds and oval to further help me in my goal while our plan to go to a fitness gym is not yet in reality. KAYA KO TO! :D


Unknown said...

ahaha. ouch sa last part.