
singles night-out

last november 26, our barkada group decided to have a night-out celebrating singleness upon the invitation of mae-anne who just came from broke-up with her boyfriend. (their relationship lasted for one year and something months which i can't remember) actually, it just started from a joke but then the joke turned into reality because everybody would want to celebrate the BREAKDAY of mhe and her bf. i was with angelo, melvin, jade who i fondly called agta, margie, of course mae-anne and kuya bjorn who i though had her monthly menstrual during the night.

it was a rainy-not-so-rainy night. our night-out started with us meeting outside the gates of bucssp. after gathering there, we proceeded to kuya's canteen for our dinner but unluckily kuya doesn't have anything to offer to us. we went to jobee albay and we had our dinner there. it was during dinner where we talked and asked ourselves of where are we going. we have chick-in the bar, greenleaf or embarcadero de legazpi as choices or i think it was a lengthy shortlist. bottomline: mhe wants to drink and have fun and celebrate her breakday. we end up at the neighbor of chick-in the bar - silberbucks cafe and there we drink tanduay ice. TI is not a beer, according to its label it is an alcomix with 5% alcohol content and carbonated water. basically, it tastes like spirte or seven-up. you can't literally taste alcohol so the group drank up to five buckets (most of us are first timers). from moment to moment, someone would propose a cheers for mae-anne and for singleness and for the date 26 silently saying happy monthsary. what about 26? it was about a different story related to two persons i/we know very much. i don't want to share what i know here because i don't know if one or some of our professors in the department will have the chance to read this. besides, its not mine to share and at this early, i practice CONFIDENTIALITY - a principle that a social worker should always possess and practice. moving on, so all drink TI. thinking in mind that we are only two boys, i make it sure that i will not be drunk because of the girls. no one will assist and usher the girls on their way home if they will be drunk. obviously, since it is an alcoholic drink some of our companions was struck by alcohol (i and melvin are the only normal people - by normal, i mean not drunk) namely margie, jade, mhe and angelo. margie barfed and messed the place. mhe also barfed after dancing like a rock star with kuya bjorn. angelo felt dizzy. with jade, she started the english speaking zone. it was because of jade that the group was using english in talking. it just started with her 'i want to go to sleep' and pooof - english speaking na ang lahat. actually, i and melvz, the only normal spirits in the group recorded the english conversations secretly so that we can playback them next week and laugh-laugh and laugh.

so since the girls are wasted. we decided to pause for a while near the capitol to bring back their spirits and consciousness. when they redeemed their consciousness, we went to jade's bhouse and sent her off to the terminal going to pilar for she will be going home to masbate. margie slept at mae-anne's bhouse. after mhe and margie went home. i, melvin and angelo, my lakwatchero brothers (brother is not fit to angelo) decided to go to jollibee-albay district to eat and continue our storytelling and just eat and spend the time. it was the second 26 we are together. the first during the parokya ni edgar concert at BU. 26 is very significant and i'm glad i'm part of it.


Unknown said...

first, kamu ni melvin ang may kasalanan nung mens ko nung gabi na yadto. ahahaha
sencond, i hate the first 26. hmpf! di kamu ng'invite.
third, i wasn't drunk. i'm just sleepy..ahahaha..lame. :D