
it's russ

enjoying is always a choice. well, it's always me choosing happiness in midst of pressure be it academically related, extra-acad or just plain pressure disturbing me and my simple life. well, this post is simply related to my previous blog post where i express my concern about some of my subjects despite my optimism. well, that concerns are now gone with the wind. i'm actually enjoying my second semester and i can say my professors and my subjects ROCKS!

PEswimming. i'm getting darker and darker every week partly because of our pe class from 9 - 11 in the morning every friday and the extreme heat in albay most of the days. well, after all, i think i personally passed my personal test. i wore trunks (i think my first time since elementary days), exposed my baby fats and i guess i'm starting to learn how to swim. YES! sa wakas!

speech&oralcom. i like this subject very much. 3 hours a week of talk talk and talk. sharing your ideas freely and hearing your classmates speak in english like never before. our professor, ms. roda (at night) would always let the class talk about their own opinions.

worldliterature. we're just starting because of the misinformation caused by the registrar, our teacher waiting at MP201 while the class waiting at MP312. luckily, because terelle and i felt that there maybe something room because of several missed meetings, we proceeded to the cal faculty, look at the faculty tracker and found out that our professor is in the other room. we proceeded there and the rest of the class followed afterwards. well, dr. bartolata, the department head of English Department of BUCAL is very soft-spoken, approachable and nice though she's suffering from chronic laryngitis (if i got it right.) our class is one only of the five class she currently handles. pinili daw kasi ang magagaling (joke).

developmentalpsychology&personalgrowthandprocesses. two different major subjects both handled by prof. sales, my favorite teacher. no boring second in every subject and i'm very excited to make the book of myself. designing, editing, making articles and so on from cover to cover by being very me.

rizal'slife&works. i'm a non-rizalist and if i am to choose between rizal and bonifacio, i would choose bonifacio more. but then, what makes this subject unique is because of our professor. she transforms our class to a singing class, singing beatles' songs and she has a very unique way of telling stories to the class that would make the class laugh out loud. madam estor ROCKS!

well, second semester is just starting up. more to come for sure! :D