

tomorrow, i will be going back to legazpi city, south of comfort zone to face the second semester of my academic life. well, just like what i usually say to my friends, i'm pretty optimistic with the second semester except maybe for two subjects, pe4 and speech communication.

pe4 - they call it recreation and youth leadership but pe4 students will actually have their swimming class. swimming? i can't really swim but i am lucky though because i have my height. yeah! advantage in the sense that while my classmates (who are just like me - non-swimmers) will have hard time standing on their feet at the pool, i can still manage to stand. haha. but then the wearing of trunks parts is another thing that makes me nervous. i am a little shy with my baby fats. haha. my classmates would actually see my baby fats. good luck! haha. good thing i browse the photos of mae paner aka juana change. her courage is simply amazing! what i am talking about, see it for yourself.

with the speech communication, actually, i think the only thing that makes me nervous with the course is the university speech choir competition. haha. may God help us!

hmm. but then, though i am not really confident with pe4 and speechcom, that doesn't mean that i will not do something or just let the wind flow. it's a challenge to conquer. soo, let the battle begin! second semester, HERE I COME!