

one of the most challenging requirements that we had for first semester of our junior college life is the practicum in facilitation under the subject, Group Dynamics. well, honestly, i thought that Group Dy will be an easy subject for us to conquer and that only group dynamics activities will be done during the final period at first and I WAS WRONG.

we went out of the four corners of AH ICTC and went to what i consider as public secondary schools in located in rural Daraga (in our group's case). Banadero, Anislag and Bascaran National High Schools.

my group decided to conduct self-awareness activities, something that our public secondary high school system don't mind because values education is by the books which is something i deem improper. we choose self-awareness because adolescents in high school are experiencing identity vs role confusion (according to Erikson's Psychosocial Stages of Development). through the activities we had conducted, we want high school students to get to know more about themselves because in knowing more about themselves, they can become better persons and that's what we would want them to become - a better person in relation to others but more importantly to themselves.

honestly, the whole of it (at least 21 hours of exposure) was very, very, very tiring but at the end, the smiles of the participants, their exhibit of appreciation and positive feedback made everything (effort, financial expenses and others) worth it and even worth repeating for. more so, perhaps my dream of becoming a values education teacher someday in my alma mater ncshs provided motivation. haha. ewan. pero parang ganun yun. i'm happy that we were able to experienced this facilitation thing and i'll be glad to repeat it, if given the opportunity. i just hope that the kids we facilitated will become successful in knowing themselves more. :)

(ewan ko lang kung tama ang sentences ko dito but i hope the thought is correct and can be understood well)