

i have been a student of Naga City Science High School for the last four years. i with my batchmates have experienced the ups and downs, stressful days, sleepless nyts, super duper challenges, cramming, non-stop kalokohan, sermon from our teachers, jammings, overnyts, and many many more that can be summed up to our beautiful and colorful high school life.

naaalala q pa kng first time kming mgkhrlngan that was during the summer enrichment of May 2005. mau pang bstadong iba excpt sa kklase or kschool mo kng elementary. mau png msyadong friends and halos supog png mgpbsto mghello or hi sa mga soon-to-be-classmates and batchmates q. inosente pa sa mga bagay-bagay o sbi ngani kyan mga totoy-totoy pa. i remember then, adjusting was never been to easy. maray na lang may mga bgu kng mga friends na nbsto and nksabay mo sa pag-adjust from being an elementary school boy to a 'handsome' high school teen.

FIRST YEAR: the year of the new year. indeed! i call my first year as the year of the new year simply because it's the year of the new beginning of the four years of my high school life. during the first year, i was with the one-falcon. an awesome group of students having different personalities. the start of the colorful high school life i have experienced. naalala q pa ang mga bagay-bagay like the obedience na igwa ang section mi kdto. kng ngsbi si ma'am na dae mgluwas tlgang dae ngruluwas mski ngbell na. the endless open forums kung sain dae nwwara ang hiribian, ngiriritan and mnsan ang pglala pa ning misunderstandings. ini ang year na irigot pa ang mga tao sa studies and sa mga projects like the song and dance number kng SS Day. inosentihun pa (cguro!).

SECOND YEAR: the year of action. as an expression of a group in the batch says 'MAAKSYUNUN' when i entered second year, i was with star section then. hmm. cguro ngkamali sa pgtype ng name and himalang nksali ako sa star section. but during this year, i together with my batchmates have experienced a lot of actions from biorap.biopageant.etc.etc. this year was actually one of the best years for me aside from the senior year. during this year, kalokohans are slowly forming, friendships cherished and happy moments have doubled in number. sympre, more maturity nman. and also second year kmi ng nngyari ang mutya and lakan. which unexpectedly, ngng emcee aq. pro isa sa pnka-action ng year na to ay ang pgkakaalis or pag-alis ng dalawa nming teacher because of us.

THIRD YEAR: the year of kalokohans. yeah! you hear it right! kalokahans! endless kalokohans have been part of my third year stay in sci.hay. name it all and siguro 3/4 nun nandito sa year nato! also, it was on this year that we have conducted the z games kung saan ngchampion kmi. thnx Bro. it was in this year that i have experienced sleepovers, true sleepless nights, crammings, the 'c' word and many more. sympre mas nggrow ang friendships. different groups have been formed and soo much more. wooh! enjoy!

FOURTH YEAR: the BEST year. hmm. year of mixed-emotions. drama dito-drama doon. tawa dito-tawa doon. super! hai nku. speechless aq. haha. sympre mas maogma ang senior year pro sad to say last shot na. hmm. anu bang masasabi q? BEST YEAR in sci.hay!

its such a privelege for me to be with the zephyrus for my four years journey. hai nku. misz q na kmu. ano pa nga ba? hhe. see you soon guys! salamat sa gbos! animo ZEPHYRUS! by the way, i recovered a poem abt the zephy's stay in the school in my fone's inbox sent by girlfriend'zelita. i guess this was mr. creative-alfred's poem pro dae aq sure and it goes,

Like birds,
We flew and we soared high.

As galaxies,
We went higher than the sky.

Through history,
We have survived.

And now it's time for
the shock of our lives.

Falcon, Starling, Nightingale and Phoenix

Minkowski, Circinus, Seyfert and Helix

then came
Khmelnytsky, Quintinshill and Chernobyl.

Watt, Hertz and Ohms
are proud to be here.

4 years of camaraderie.
4 years of hardship.
4 years of joy, pain, tears and friendship.


PS. mdyo ntagalan aq sa pgtpos nito. this was started way back march pro ngaun q pa lng nttpos. hhe. and to fourth or any yearbook staff, if you want the poem to be removed here, i'm ever willing. hndi q ksi alam ang plano. hhe. bka ilalaag plan nindo.