
an eye for an eye. a toothpick for a tooth

today, i formally relinquished and ended my position as the Supreme Student Government President of Naga City Science High School by submitting the Annual Accomplishment of the SSG for School Year 2008-2009 to the office of the principal. wats next? i don't know for now... but one good thing that happened to me was that i was able to be introduced to the incoming freshmen by the mr. alferez. soo unexpected.

mau russ... maluya ang napiling president ngunyan.
maluya ang brigada... maluya ang donations.

the above-stated statement is a statement given to me by one of my favorite teachers in the school. well, i can say that i must be thankful to that teacher for all the helps that he have given to the SSG, making our job easier as expected. i must be thankful to him for being understanding and supportive. in fact, i am really thankful hoping that someday maibabalik ko man kay sir ang gbos na tabang nya sq.

when sir said the statement, two things bubble in my mind. did we set the bar too high for the next president not to reach it but to exceed or did we set t
he bar that high but that wrongly? for all i know, in my own personal reason, i have done my job to the fullest of my ability. i did it not to gain either popularity or personal advantages because i want it! and i did it because i believe i can. but hey, i can't do it alone! a successful year in the SSG is not because of the president alone but also because of the people around him. in the organization, i can say that i cant do all the things i have done without the help of my fellow officers, in particular it was ALEX who did helped me a lot! so, i would like to take this opportunity to give them their must have accolades salamatoooooon saindo gabos!

going back to the statement... i think that it was given untimely and wrongly. the school year is yet to begin. why judge the incoming president because of the low number of donations? why judge the incoming president because of 'maluyang' brigada? maybe yes! the donations is r
eally that low this year compared last year. maybe yes! maluya ang brigada ngunyan. but come to think of it. this year is differen than last year. problems last year are different this year. circumstances are different. everything is different. one example is that last year, we don't have a teacher-adviser thus forcing us to do it ourselves... this year they do have but for some reasons ma'am nhel is unavailable thus leaving them without a teacher-adviser to guide them. last year, all of the attention was at the brigada but this year attention was divided among the summer classes, summer enrichment classes and others. thus, i can say it's unfair not only for the next president to be judged as 'maluya' considering the circumstances around her and her officers. iba ang ngaun kaysa bukas.

i believed that the incoming president and the incoming officers need not judgment nor inconsideration but support for them to be successful and for them not to reach the bar but exceed that the outgoing SSG have set. as i can say it, nag-uumpisa pa lang ang laban ni krizzia and her fellow officers.. they have more to proved and i believe that they can do it!

to the incoming officers, don't make judgment like the above-stated statement hinder your way but instead make it an inspiration for you to reach you goal and do your job
properly thus proving the 'judge' is wrong. you have way to go! but make the most out of it.

to the naguenians of school year 2009-2010, support them. after all, its your support that will help them succeed in the projects.

this is the ncshs ssg president of sy 2008-2009, now signing off...


May 22, 2009. Friday

on the other hand, this day was quite a good day of fun, ente
rtainment and enjoyment. i was able to watch the film 'ANGELS and DEMONS' with my two grlfrnds namely, mara and zelita. kitz, annie, gerona and zaldy. first time q man pti sa SM Cinema. hehe. astig si film! suppeer! nagetz ko! i am so HAPPY! hehe. and first time q mgbucket sa KFC. (plus jemar and alex) hehe.


here are some of the pics during our lunch at kfc...

*sya nga pala, if ur wondering what is the title of the post all about. well, wala naman. naisip ko lang while doing this post. hehe.