
indeed! yesterday night's dream, forever's memories..

the naga city science high school NEPHYTHYS-ZEPHYRUS promenade was successfully conducted at the Naga Regent(sana tama!) Hotel.. wohoo! at first, aaminon q.. akala q dae aq maenjoy that much.. pro sala plan aq.. hehe.. super ng-enjoy aq sa prom though bitin nga tlaga xa.. hehe.. salamat NEPHY sa magaun na pghost ang pgplano kng prom..

nywyz,, i am thnking that what i have done during the prom is a social suicide.. si mga dae q man gngbo, gnbo q that night jusy for example, ngkanta aq.. yah! tama ang nabasa mo.. ngkanta aq.. though short man lang si knanta q ta part lang ning song.. pro imagine mo?? ngkanta aq?! dae daw ntrauma si mga tao duman?? hehe.. nywyz,, i am happy na naugma ang kadaklan lalo na zephy sa gnbo qng batch prophecy.. that's a big pleasure for me.. (*bq mn aq yang nsa picture.. si zaldy yan..)

owkie, so second sa gnbo qng msasabi qng dae q gngbo kadalasan ang paghataw sa dance floor.. sbi ngani ni claudz, party like a rockstar.. haha.. and again tama na nmn ang nbasa mo.. usually kya or compared last year, kpg danceables or fast ang music ngtutukaw na lang aq.. pro this year iba.. nghataw man daa aq.. haha.. grbe.. haha..

third, for the whole night, ngtatak sa utak q ang word na "catalyst" .. for the night aq ang kdalasan ngppstart ning kalokohans.. mga cheers-cheers.. mga palakpak.. and most of all kabaduyan.. then, kdtung ngddance si prom prince and prom princess, nang-agaw man lang aqng eksena kng tig-alok q si tin-tin na mgdance kmi.. haha.. kya ayun, nging dalawang pair ang ngdadance.. hehe.. nywyz, aus lng nmn yun.. last naman!.. hindi na yun mauulit.. hehe.. bsta enjoy!

then, first time qng mgnight-life (pro early morning na tlga tu).. haha.. jamming with friends taz sleepover.. mau man.. first time q sa bistro kya first time q man naaraman na may dresscode plan duman.. haha..

salamat plan sa mga nkjam q namely, alfred.rufo.mara.zelita.gerona.trixia.alexia.aila.iris.mikee.danica.ate dianne.brylle at ang ng-iisang nephy, si brene.. salamatoon.. hehe..

well, bottomline,, yesterday night's promenade, forever's memory! dae q tlga malilingawan, promise!.. :D