
a flash of thought...


owkie.i admit it! i'm an idiot when it comes to mathematics particularly with ALGEBRA or whatever branch of mathematics that uses x, y or even z.anywyz, as i was attending our analytical geometry class with its lessons in derivatives a flash of thought came across of my nerve.honestly, i really can't associate derivatives with my life and so as the life of every other living things, inhaling and exhaling every now and then.also, my mind is really poisoned seeing x and y in our board.whoah!!! it makes my mind bleed.so, at first i keep asking kung meron bang shortcut kasi ang haba-haba ng way (in my opinion).substituting to the equation and more takes time but later this day, i learned that there is a shorter way of looking for the derivatives.as what i have said a while ago, a flash of thought came across my mind.sbi q,

"tnu kaipuhan pang gamiton ang long way kung pde man lang gamiton ang shortcut???"

but as time flies.while i was waiting for the bell to shout krrrrrrriiiiinnnggg and thus to signal the end of my sorrow (haha..) the answer to my question suddenly reached the inner part of my hypothalamus (tama ba?). but then its not the answer to the mathematics problem. nrealize q na solving for the derivatives is just like TAKING A STEP IN LIFE.hindi pdeng palaging shortcut ang lagi nating daanan at gamitin.sometimes, we also need to use the long way for us to learn and experience different things and to explore the different ways in solving and finding the answer for the derivatives.in life, sometimes it is better to take the long way than the shorter one to gain more experiences that can surely help in MOLDING, BUILDING and DEVELOPING our character and identity as an individual.

whoah!! see that! nrealize q bya tu.. hehe.. nywyz, mau man.just want to share the thing that i realized.malay mo parehas tayo.di connected tayo! =]