
indeed! yesterday night's dream, forever's memories..

the naga city science high school NEPHYTHYS-ZEPHYRUS promenade was successfully conducted at the Naga Regent(sana tama!) Hotel.. wohoo! at first, aaminon q.. akala q dae aq maenjoy that much.. pro sala plan aq.. hehe.. super ng-enjoy aq sa prom though bitin nga tlaga xa.. hehe.. salamat NEPHY sa magaun na pghost ang pgplano kng prom..

nywyz,, i am thnking that what i have done during the prom is a social suicide.. si mga dae q man gngbo, gnbo q that night jusy for example, ngkanta aq.. yah! tama ang nabasa mo.. ngkanta aq.. though short man lang si knanta q ta part lang ning song.. pro imagine mo?? ngkanta aq?! dae daw ntrauma si mga tao duman?? hehe.. nywyz,, i am happy na naugma ang kadaklan lalo na zephy sa gnbo qng batch prophecy.. that's a big pleasure for me.. (*bq mn aq yang nsa picture.. si zaldy yan..)

owkie, so second sa gnbo qng msasabi qng dae q gngbo kadalasan ang paghataw sa dance floor.. sbi ngani ni claudz, party like a rockstar.. haha.. and again tama na nmn ang nbasa mo.. usually kya or compared last year, kpg danceables or fast ang music ngtutukaw na lang aq.. pro this year iba.. nghataw man daa aq.. haha.. grbe.. haha..

third, for the whole night, ngtatak sa utak q ang word na "catalyst" .. for the night aq ang kdalasan ngppstart ning kalokohans.. mga cheers-cheers.. mga palakpak.. and most of all kabaduyan.. then, kdtung ngddance si prom prince and prom princess, nang-agaw man lang aqng eksena kng tig-alok q si tin-tin na mgdance kmi.. haha.. kya ayun, nging dalawang pair ang ngdadance.. hehe.. nywyz, aus lng nmn yun.. last naman!.. hindi na yun mauulit.. hehe.. bsta enjoy!

then, first time qng mgnight-life (pro early morning na tlga tu).. haha.. jamming with friends taz sleepover.. mau man.. first time q sa bistro kya first time q man naaraman na may dresscode plan duman.. haha..

salamat plan sa mga nkjam q namely, alfred.rufo.mara.zelita.gerona.trixia.alexia.aila.iris.mikee.danica.ate dianne.brylle at ang ng-iisang nephy, si brene.. salamatoon.. hehe..

well, bottomline,, yesterday night's promenade, forever's memory! dae q tlga malilingawan, promise!.. :D


kay bilis lumipas ng kahapon...

i thnk it's atleast 50 days before our graduation.. and as i can see and feel it, time is soooo much faster than i've thought.. sad to say, hndi pa aq nkkdecide kung saing university aq mag-aaral and what degree ang kukuanon q.. soooo bad for me! but i can say that i'm happy for my batchmates/classmates and most of all to my close friends na nkdecide na.. maray pa sinda.. sna dae man ninda aq malingawan.. huhu.. bsta sna matupad si mga promises na nabutasan ta.. hehe.. (patama kay girlfriend'mara and queng).. haay nku.. buhay nga naman.. GO ME! kaya ko to!!! =]

~advance GOOD LUCK and GOD BLESS always ZEPHYRUS..

- - - - -
"ngunit ngayon kay bilis lumipas ng kahapon
sana'y huwag kalimutan
ang ating mga pinagsamahan"


a flash of thought...


owkie.i admit it! i'm an idiot when it comes to mathematics particularly with ALGEBRA or whatever branch of mathematics that uses x, y or even z.anywyz, as i was attending our analytical geometry class with its lessons in derivatives a flash of thought came across of my nerve.honestly, i really can't associate derivatives with my life and so as the life of every other living things, inhaling and exhaling every now and then.also, my mind is really poisoned seeing x and y in our board.whoah!!! it makes my mind bleed.so, at first i keep asking kung meron bang shortcut kasi ang haba-haba ng way (in my opinion).substituting to the equation and more takes time but later this day, i learned that there is a shorter way of looking for the derivatives.as what i have said a while ago, a flash of thought came across my mind.sbi q,

"tnu kaipuhan pang gamiton ang long way kung pde man lang gamiton ang shortcut???"

but as time flies.while i was waiting for the bell to shout krrrrrrriiiiinnnggg and thus to signal the end of my sorrow (haha..) the answer to my question suddenly reached the inner part of my hypothalamus (tama ba?). but then its not the answer to the mathematics problem. nrealize q na solving for the derivatives is just like TAKING A STEP IN LIFE.hindi pdeng palaging shortcut ang lagi nating daanan at gamitin.sometimes, we also need to use the long way for us to learn and experience different things and to explore the different ways in solving and finding the answer for the derivatives.in life, sometimes it is better to take the long way than the shorter one to gain more experiences that can surely help in MOLDING, BUILDING and DEVELOPING our character and identity as an individual.

whoah!! see that! nrealize q bya tu.. hehe.. nywyz, mau man.just want to share the thing that i realized.malay mo parehas tayo.di connected tayo! =]


lessons from lesson


-a reflection on the nerve cracking, mind draining,
patience testing VISUAL BASIC-

In a computer driven world that we have today, where fragment of seconds are marked with bytes or even gigabytes, where the progression of time peacefully co-exist with the advancement in technology, computer programming have boom producing computer programs meant to give humans a convenient and likely atmosphere and to make the human life easier and faster.

Since the start of the school year, we have slowly crossed our way going to the Visual Basic, a computer program developed by the Microsoft Visual Studio that enables user, with enough knowledge and capability on the program to create his/her own program through the discussions and lectures in the Technology and Livelihood Education - Computer Programming. We have started with the flow charting, a lesson, that i first thought was difficult to comprehend and understand. But upon knowing and learning the lesson, i can say that really, judging the 'book' (or should i say the lesson) by just its cover or its' physical appearance is a BIG NO NO!

Moving on, it was probably in the second grading period when we have started paving our way through the heart of our main topic for the whole duration of the school year, the VISUAL BASIC 6. At first, (just like my first impression in the Flow Charting lessons) this lesson will be a hard one. It also came to the point that i asked myself why would i make a slot machine and study the codes when in fact i am not planning to take any computer related course??

Well, to tell you honestly, i may not memorize all the codes needed to make a beautifully executed slot machine or to make a program run and appear as beautiful as others may have made at least i can proudly say that i have learned something from a thing i thought i would never be interested in. Just for instance, the carefulness in copying and typing codes for me not to have a bug in the program and the eagerness and patience to re-check or proofread the codes just to avoid bug in the program. Going deeper, we can associate visual basic to life. For visual basic is all about choice and so as life. In visual basic, we always have a choice on what we want to do in the program next, in life we always have a choice on what are we going to do next. Comparable to our present stage, we have our choice on which path to choose in college, we have a choice on the university we are going to study and the like. In VB, we can always choose what color do we want, we can have RGB or we can even mix them. In life, we can always have the controls in making our life as colorful as possible. We can have more red, less green and more blue or we can also have magenta or cyan. It depends on what we like and what we choose.

To sum it up, Visual Basic isn't just a program to crack our nerve, drain our mind and put our patience in the edge. VB does not only teach us codes to execute a program like no other but it also teaches and gives us realizations that we can use in our life. VB also teaches us the lesson of patience, eagerness, carefulness and most of all, CHOICE. Life, just like VB, depends on how we develop,
construct, choose and decide not for others but for ourselves.

So i guess that's the end of it. =]