

while surfing some blog sites, i came across one which caught my attention. it was poem made from the acrostics of my name. and since it was about me i choose to re-blog it. here it goes:

Right then and there, I know you would be special
Unintentional attraction grew in an instant
Staring is rude but you do it good
Somehow, your eyes gave me hope.

Danger of falling in love is the risk I took
Admiration grew stronger and stronger as I knew you more
Never have I thought that you will be so dear
I am more than thankful for what you've shared with me
Every time with you are some of the moments I treasure most
Life is what we make it so I made you my life.

Obvious is what I am
Letting you know in my own simple ways
I just hope you can feel that's genuine
Vying for your affection is never an easy thing
At least, I have the courage to give love another shot for it already failed me a thousand times.

Battling the norms, stereotyping and your self-acclaimed indifference is exhausting
All these I will endure just let me do my thing
Loving you is easy but at the same time, it's not
Doing this is my decision, so I'm to blame
Our friendship is what I truly care for
Zest for love is just a spice
And this will grow as long as we are friends.