
that little devil

hey little devil,

i know it's been months since the last time we see each other and i can't even remember it. was it august or september or maybe way back may? Christmas is fast approaching and i know you're not that okay based from what i have read from your blog posts and i'm sorry if i'm not that accessible (if the term is fitted) and is not there beside you when you needed someone to talk to. sorry for every little thing i made and not made for you. but hey, i'm always here for you though our communication line had been down for some time and i'll always be at your back. little devil, would you mind spending some time with me this Christmas break and have for ourselves a time to tell our stories and share our problems? besides i really miiisssssssssssssssss you soo much little devil. i miss your stories and i know that i have many stories to be heard from you. well, the bottomline is this, I MISS YOU BESTFRIEND. hope to see you this Christmas. :D


Kai said...

Hahaha! sabi ko na ako lang naman ang little na devil pa. =)) ako pala talaga! langya yan. sorry din. labas tayo this christmas break. :D