
i believe we have our voice

i'm just wondering why while the affected SUCs especially UP was making noise against the budget cut proposed by the PNoy and his budget team to the budget of SUCs all-over the country, Bicol University made no noise. Is 88M budget cut small to BU for it not to raise its voice or is BU self-sufficient enough not to mind the budget cut? i think this is a clear proof of BUenos passivity. look, i am not saying that we should have held rally and shout as loud as we can for the government to hear our sentiments, BU students through the BU-USC could have sent a resolution or open letter addressed to the President expressing the collective position of BUenos against the budget cut. if we will compare BU to a nation, BU is just a developing university and any budget cut could pose potential danger to the growth of the university especially given the fact that more than majority of the students are considered economically poor according to a study which was mentioned by the university vice-president for academic affairs. com'mon, we should and we could be better than this BUenos. we have our voice but why can't we use it? or am i the only student who taught that the proposed budget cut is bad for the university? hm. i really don't know if the proposed budget had been passed as a law or if it was revised but i just hope that next time, when an issue like this or any other issue which could affect the university, students will choose take their stand than to sit at the corner doing nothing. everything is just a matter of choice, right?

a news excerpt about the issue i am reacting about.

Noynoy aquino in his budget message submitted to the 15th Congress on August 24, Aquino said, “We are gradually reducing the subsidy to SUCs to push them toward becoming self-sufficient and financially independent, given their ability to raise their income and to utilize it for their programs and projects.”

The budget for the University of the Philippines, the country’s premier state university with a population of 52,000, has been slashed by P1.39 billion ($31.52 million at an exchange rate of $1 = P44.1) or by 20.11 percent this year. Other state universities such as the Philippine Normal University, with a population of 10,000, and Bicol University, with a population 20,000, received budget cuts by 92 million ($2.09 million) or by 23.59 percent and P88 million ($1.99 million) or by 18.82 percent, respectively.

Among the SCUs with the worst budget cuts by percentage are:

Philippine Normal University (23.59%) | Aurora State College of Technology (22.21%) | Cerilles State College (21.95%) | University of the Philippines (20.11%) | University of Southeastern Philippines (20.03%)

While the SCUs with the worst budget cuts by nominal value are:

University of the Philippines (P1.39 billion or $31.52 million) | Philippine Normal University (P91.35 million or $2.07 million) | Bicol University (P88.81 million or $2.01 million) | University of Southeastern Philippines (P44.39 million or $1.01 million) | Central Bicol State University of Agriculture (P31.65 million or $717,687)